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Documents Learning/Terms
Of the many military projects
conducted by ABE, those involving birds were among the most intriguing.
Birds were used to save lives, as
shown in the Rescue Birds page, but they were also used for reconnaissance
and espionage. ABE used pigeons, ravens, and crows for this work. For
example, birds were taught to deliver or pick up packages from
windowsills or similar locations. They were directed to the appropriate
location with a laser pointer. ABE was among the first company to use
large laser pointers as they became available. Today, a key feature of
Robert Bailey’s workshops is teaching chickens to follow a target in
the form of a red-dot delivered by a laser-pointer. |
projects involved teaching ravens standing on exterior building
ledges to take pictures of the interior rooms of the building. The raven
would carry in its mouth a small camera that was triggered whenever the
camera was pushed against the window pane. The exact location of this
window was also indicated to the bird with a laser pointer.
In another body of work, pigeons
were trained to detect ambushes and snipers hiding along well-traveled
roads. This work was conducted during the Vietnam era. The bird was
launched from a transport vehicle and flew ahead on the road. Attached
to the bird was a device that continued to send a radio signal back to
the vehicle as long as the bird was flying. If the bird detected a sniper
on the side of the road, the bird would alight nearby. This would turn
off the radio signal traveling back to the transport vehicle and indicate
to the person monitoring the radio signal that the bird had stopped flying
and probably had detected a person hiding on the side of the road. These
demonstrations were remarkable in that they
indicated that these birds could accurately discriminate persons from the
surrounding environment even when these persons were well-hidden in the
underbrush. Further, these birds could discriminate persons lying in wait
from ordinary citizens walking along the road, which might be the
situation in an environment like Vietnam.
Photo Gallery (click on each photo to enlarge)
Video Clips |
Pigeon in laser guidance training |
[Fast DL: 865KB] |
laser training |
[Fast DL: 973KB] |
Raven-spy trains
with camera |
[Fast DL: 1.2MB] |
raven training |
[Fast DL: 1.2MB] |
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